Organic Design


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Time?
  2. Why are HydroCo thermal treatment capsules becoming so popular?
  3. Do I still need to wrap the client in plastic?
  4. Is Time comfortable?
  5. Can Time benefit the hair removal process?
  6. Why shampoo the clients hair in the Time capsule?
  7. What makes Time so different?
  8. Is Time available in different colors?
  9. Is Time affordable?
  10. What treatments can be performed with Time?
  11. Does Time use lots of water?
  12. What size room is required for Time?
  13. Do I need to tile the room?
  14. Does Time require special electrical and plumbing services?
  15. Can Time operate in low pressure water zones?
  16. Is Time easy to operate?
  17. Can Time be operated by the bather?
  18. Can Time be installed in the home?
  19. Is Time hygienic to use?
  20. Does Time require high maintenance?

1.What is Time?

Time is a new innovative and distinctive thermal body treatment capsule from HydroCo - a world leader in the design and manufacture of hydrotherapy experience centers. HydroCo service the Spa, medical, wellness, fitness and sport industries in over 40 countries and have showrooms in Melbourne Australia and Los Angeles USA with distributors throughout Asia and Europe.

Over the past decade, HydroCo have developed the thermal body treatment capsule concept for Spa experience, and our Hydrotone Thermal 3 capsule still remains the leading commercial unit on the market today. Learning what we have by being the leader in this field, has allowed us to develop a brand new thermal capsule that we believe has all the features that will appeal to all Spa & wellness facility operators - at a very affordable price - Time

2.Why are HydroCo thermal treatment capsules becoming so popular?

HydroCo thermal treatment capsules are very versatile pieces of equipment and ideally suited to providing efficient and effective full body treatments.

Services such as body exfoliating, seaweed and mud masques, aromatherapy steam treatments and vichy shower wash-offs can all be carried out without the client having to leave the capsule. Typically a full body treatment takes around 30 – 40 minutes, but can easily be tailored to suit the requirement.

HydroCo thermal capsules provide a warm, hygienic and private enclosure, that encourages clients to relax. Capsules are ideal for treatments being carried out on the opposite sex, because the client can be appropriately covered with toweling whilst seaweeds or mud’s are being applied to their body. The towel may be removed as the lid is lowered, so protecting the clients modesty. This is an important feature for both staff and client. Once the lid is lowered, the aromasteam warms the capsule to relax the client, and the increased temperature initiate’s the body’s natural detoxification process. The application of seaweed and mud masques directly onto the body - which is exposed (no plastic wrap) in the steamy environment - allows effective activation and infusion of the essential nutrients.

During the entire aromasteam treatment, the clients head is outside the capsule and therefore not subjected to the higher temperatures within. The operator may perform additional services such as facial treatments, scalp massage and shampooing of hair. The vichy shower is activated targeting tension areas, at the same time washing off the body masque. The water temperature used to rinse may be gradually lowered to reduce the client’s body temperature following the hot aromasteam infusion . The client leaves the capsule feeling totally relaxed, and incredibly clean.

Thousands of business operators have discovered the benefits of HydroCo thermal capsules. These pieces of equipment are used to provide complete facial and body treatments in a warm, private and comfortably controlled environment. The financial benefit of being able to perform several treatment services in the one session, on the one piece of equipment, is impressive.

3. Do I still need to wrap the client in plastic?

No. Pre-blended exfoliants and body masques are applied, and the capsule lid is gently lowered, enclosing your body for privacy and warmth without the need for intrusive wrapping.

The client has a far more pleasant, relaxing and non-confined experience - their limbs are free to move about. The clean-up process for both the client, and the operator, is effortless. The hand-shower on the Time capsule is used to rinse the surfaces clean of product.

4. Is Time comfortable?

Being the innovator and leader in thermal capsule treatments - HydroCo have the experience to know the importance of comfort – for both the client, and as important, the operator. The wet treatment bed in Time was developed following hundreds of hours of research & development. The bed is an ergonomic, recline design that is suspended on polymer mounts. The entire bed is flexible, and you can feel, and see, the bed absorb the body’s weight as it is laid on . The bed does not require a mattress.

The curvaceous smooth design is not by mistake. Time’s height and profile has been well thought out. It allows the operator to manoeuvre effortlessly around the body without too much leaning and stretching - this is especially so at the head end of Time, where the operator can sit and perform scalp massage and facial treatments with ease.

Equipment designers often forget the operator and focus more upon the clients comfort. At HydroCo we understand the Spa and wellness industry, and the demands placed upon operators to provide consistent high quality services every time. We treat the comfort level for both client and operator as important as the other, a comfortable operator provides a better treatment experience !
5. Can Time benefit the hair removal process?

Many users of the HydroCo thermal treatment capsules have reported the benefit of the capsules hot, wet aromasteam performance in the hair removal process. A treatment may be specifically developed to cater for express treatments, which include a facial treatment and hair removal preparation. The hair removal procedure may be performed out of the capsule so that the Time is available for other services.

6. Why shampoo the clients hair in the Time capsule?

Body masque products including seaweeds, mud’s etc…have been designed to infuse into the skin - and this process continues many hours following the initial application. The hot aromasteam dispersed throughout the Time capsule dilates the pores of the skin, and activates the nutrients within the products to greatly assist the infusion process.

Even though the clients head remains outside the capsule during the 15 – 20 minute aromasteam treatment, the head will still perspire - and with additional services including scalp massage, facial etc.. being performed, the clients hair and scalp may feel oily and generally unclean as a result.

If the clients hair is not washed at this time, the client may well proceed to shower-off in the change rooms following the body treatment. Even though their body has been rinsed off clean with fresh water within the Time capsule, the desire to wash their hair and scalp in order to feel clean is overwhelming. Many shampoo’s and soaps that are used in the shower contain mineral oils, detergent bases, artificial colors and fragrance.

By washing the client’s hair during the Time body treatment, the shampoo and conditioner is confined to the head, and therefore will not come into contact with the rest of the body. The client will leave the capsule feeling clean, and not feel inclined to shower-off. The product residue - seaweeds, mud’s moisturizers etc…. will remain on the skin to provide maximum benefit.

7. What makes Time so different?

There are many features that make Time different from other body treatment capsules, and these are covered throughout this document however, the first thing that you notice about Time - that sets it apart from all other capsules - is its unique stunning, modern design. A design that fits well in almost any environment, and as a result of the soft balanced profile, allows center room placement that virtually becomes a show piece.

As the Spa and wellness industry grows at an amazing pace, so does the variety of business’s that offer body treatments. Body treatments are no longer restricted to the typical beauty salon. Many of these services are now being performed in medi-spa’s, health clubs, fitness centers - and even in the home. HydroCo believe they have come up with a design that will impress and make an appropriate impression in the most minimalistic high-tech studio-setting - or in a low- lit, organic themed treatment environment.

8. Is Time available in different colors?

Yes. This is a new, exciting and unique offering by HydroCo. In line with HydroCo’s latest product range, we have established a new manufacturing facility and production technique, that enables us to offer a selected color range that we call our ‘Organic’ selection.. In most cases, colors can be formulated to suit the clients requirement. A sample tile, or splash of paint, is all that is required for us to match, and produce, your Time capsule.
9. Is Time affordable?

Yes. For around USD12.00 per day, the Time capsule can be leased. Typically, the sale of only one Time ‘body treatment’ per day, will cover all costs associated with operating Time - including consumables, labor and lease payments.

10. What treatments can be performed with Time?

Time incorporates the three essential functions that enable full body treatments both efficiently, and effortlessly, including seaweed, mud and moisturizing masques – these functions are Aromasteam, Vichy shower and HydroColor lighting.

Aromasteam is a high-atomizing, hot steam sensation that carries with it the aroma of choice. The aromasteam is sprayed throughout the capsule, and rises from beneath the bed, warming the bed surface whilst doing so. The aromasteam infusion can be heard throughout the capsule, adding to an incredible soothing environment. The hot aromasteam activates the nutrients contained in such products as seaweed, muds etc.. that have been applied all over the body - effectively infusing and enhancing the treatment results.

The aromasteam temperature control also allows the selection of cold infusion. Cold infusion is still a high-atomizing spray, but utilizes cold water as opposed to hot. Cold infusion creates an ideal environment to sooth, calm and moisturize irritated skin -including sun-burn.

Vichy shower – located within the capsule lid - consists of strategically positioned, high- atomizing mist showers that saturate and drench the body - quickly and efficiently washing off the residue from body masque. The high atomizing mist showers produce a pleasant, comfortable showering experience, and can also offer thermal contrasting from hot to cold showering, without thermal shock to the bather. The transition from hot to cold cycling is a gradual one- highly pleasurable and energizing. Again, the showers may be temperature controlled, and set to ‘cold mist’ for a soothing environment when treating damaged skin - such as sunburn etc..

HydroColor lighting is used to assist in the relaxation, and re-balance of the various systems of the body. The LED lighting system is a powerful beam that saturates the capsule and allows the selection of up to seven colors. The desired color may be selected at a touch of a button. Color stimuli is both calming and soothing - and when combined with oxygen and hydrotherapy, amazing effects may be achieved in rejuvenation and re-energizing - for both the client and the therapist.
11. Does Time use lots of water?

No. Time is the most water-wise thermal treatment capsule available. The aromasteam system uses approximately 5 lpm ( 1. 1gpm) of water, and an incredible 4 lpm (1 gpm) during the vichy shower treatment. A typical 30 minute complete, full body treatment / mud or seaweed masque, will consume around 100 litres (23 gallons).

HydroCo are committed to developing products that reduce water consumption. As a world leading hydrotherapy equipment designer and manufacturer, HydroCo takes this responsibility very seriously. We strive to educate the industry that pleasurable wet experiences can be consistently performed with a water-wise, responsible approach. Time is one of HydroCo’s new generation products, that clearly demonstrates this responsibility is being met.

12. What size room is required for Time?

A room size of approximately 3.0 x 3.0 metres ( 10 x 10 ft ) is all that is required to locate a Time capsule. This area will allow full access from either side of the capsule, and at the head – end to perform scalp massage and facial treatments.

13. Do I need to tile the room?

The Time capsule confines spray throughout the treatment.  Only small amounts of water are expected to be deposited on to the floor as a result of the humidity and water build up on the internal surfaces, or some splash from the hand-shower during use. The water loss expected is comparable to that of exiting a bath tub, or shower, in the home bathroom.

We recommend a minimum requirement is for the floor be sealed using tiles, or an alternative appropriate floor covering - treat it similar to a bathroom in the home, a floor drain is also recommended. A medium size extractor fan is required to clear the humidity. Unlike a vichy-shower wet room, there is no requirement for walls and ceilings to be fully tiled.

14. Does Time require special electrical and plumbing services?

No. The HydroColor lighting system is the only electrical component incorporated in Time, and a standard electrical supply is all that is required.

International : 220 – 240 Volt, 50 / 60Hz , 5Amp min electrical supply via an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)

North America : 110 – 120 Volt, 60Hz, 5Amp min electrical supply via a Class ‘A’ Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)

Plumbing : standard 12mm (1/2 inch) hot & cold water supply lines are required and a standard 40mm (1 ½ inch) drain line.

15. Can Time operate in low pressure water zones?

Yes. Time has been designed to operate using very low volumes of water flow - in the order of 4 lpm ( 1 gpm) - and this can be easily supplied - even in very low-pressure zones. This important factor enables high rise building installations, such as office towers, that often have low water pressure.

16. Is Time easy to operate?

Absolutely! One of the key factors in the development of Time was the requirement to make a system that could be easily controlled by either the bather or by an operator.

We made Time to be a manually-controlled system, with a view of being able to fully train an operator to use the system competently within a 3 – 4 hour training session.

17. Can Time be operated by the bather?

Yes. The growing demand for Spa and wellness body treatments in the home has stimulated HydroCo to incorporate operational controls within the Time capsule.

Both the aromasteam, and the vichy shower system, can be controlled from within, or outside, the capsule.

18. Can Time be installed in the home?

Yes. Time is an ideal solution for the home Spa / bathroom installation. Simply operated by the bather, Time enables true professional body treatments to be performed in the comfort and environment of the home. Couples are encouraged to develop stress relieving and wellbeing experiences within environments that are convenient, and in-turn, pleasurable. With a little imagination and desire, there is no better place than the home bathroom to introduce home Spa experiences that benefit lifestyle, and enhance wellbeing.

19. Is Time hygienic to use?

All surfaces on Time are smooth and curvaceous, making sanitizing an effortless procedure. Simply spray sanitizer and wash with a soft cloth and water to rinse.

Following this very simple procedure after each and every use, will maintain a safe and hygienic surface.

20. Does Time require high maintenance?

No. Apart from the day to day sanitizing of all surfaces - as described above - there is no other daily maintenance required.

Hydrotherapy equipment comparison chart

HydroCo Time Home

Pre-installation details:

With Electrics

Without Electrics
