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Health, Fitness, Medical Home and Spa
Suspense Aquatic Center

HydroCo introduce 'Suspense' a revolutionary convenient aquatic centre that can be assembled and operating in a variety of businesses within days and allowing your client’s to experience a private aquatic work-out hygienically and water-wise!

HydroCo have developed a range of professional Physio and Exercise pools that are easy to install, maintain and operate. With a variety of options including underwater treadmills, pool water depth adjustment, cameras, resistance jets, patient lift hoists etc, we can build a Suspense pool suit your requirement. The range of Suspense pools are free standing and can be installed above or below ground. Clear glass walls and underwater lighting provide an excellent
environment for patient monitoring and filming.

Vertical Floatation
Low-Impact Fitness
H2O Heart Rate
Shallow Water

Modular Assembly
Clear Viewing
Underwater Treadmill
Water Treatment
Physio Pool

Vertical Floatation
For vertical floatation climb into the 'Aqualiner' (polymer bag) and apply muds, seaweeds medicants or moisturizers over your body. Fill the booth with warm clear water. The water compresses the 'Aqualiner' against your skin as the booth fills within minutes. You are then lifted from the ground - floating vertically, suspended in water. The thermal transfer and compression from the water creates an incredible relaxing wrapped sensation that you have never experienced before.

Float away the stress whilst benefiting from the infusion of the products on your skin. Following a 20 minute treatment the booth is automatically emptied. You then step out of the 'Aqualiner' and shower-off all the residue down the drain. Incredibly only 20 liters of water is consumed each treatment - even though you float in as much as 3,000 liters, this water is hygienically recycled each and every use - water wise!

Aquatic exercise such as deep water running and aerobics are all low impact exercise and protect your joints from stress and fracture experienced with land based exercise. Your body is 90% lighter in water and your heart works 10 - 15 % less when carrying out the same exercise in water as opposed to on land.

Low Impact Fitness
Deep-water aerobics opens up a new opportunity for people of all ages, and varying levels of fitness, and the forgiving water environment is effective and enjoyable.

The use of a buoyancy belt suspends the body comfortably with the neck and shoulders above the water for an effective, no-impact, deep-water workout. As a result, aquatic workouts are low impact and can greatly reduce the injury and strain common to most land-based exercises.

Due to viscosity, drag forces and frontal resistance, water provides a resistance that is proportional to the effort exerted against it. With the addition of water fitness equipment, such as buoyancy belt, webbed gloves, floats and foot-ware, resistance is increased to strengthen and tone muscles.

H2O Heart Rate
The hydrostatic pressure of water pushes equally on all body surfaces and helps the heart circulate blood by aiding blood flow back to the heart. Your heart rate is an estimated 10-15 beats lower per minute during suspended water exercise than for the same effort on land.

Shallow water
Suspense shallow water centers allow the development of full aquatic exercise programs with the added option of the VARIABLE SPEED TREADMILL. Again, like the deep water center, water depth is fully adjustable at any time. It’s length allows horizontal stretching, kicking and full resistance exercise. Optional COLD PLUNGE specification allows flexibility, and it’s size can accommodate multiple occupants.

Modular Assembly
The unique range of Suspense professional Physio and Exercise pools have been designed to enable above or below ground installation, they are self supporting and free standing. Pools are supplied in modular format and can be assembled in room, even our larger pools may be transported through standard door openings. The modular design also allows them to be disassembled in the event the pool requires relocating at a later date. The unique modular design also enables us to supply custom pool size and configuration to suit clients needs.

Clear Viewing
Glass walls enable clear viewing from all sides of the pool, occupants can be closely monitored and if required recorded on film during hydrotherapy sessions.

Underwater Treadmill
Pools may be equipped with a variety of exercise components including variable speed underwater treadmills, resistance water jets, Hydro- massage jets, resistance paddles and customised units.

Water Treatment
Efficient water treatment system ensures that the pool water is maintained hygienically and crystal clear at all times, comprising of an automated sanitizing dosing system, sand filtration and electric or gas heating option. Chilled water systems are also available. The Suspense water treatment system has been designed to ensure low maintenance and ease of use.

Physio Pool
Pools assembled above ground may be equipped with Suspense’s unique Access Panel. The Access panel simply swings open to provide a lower entry level into the pool, ideal when used in conjunction with ceiling hoists and a variety of patient lifting devices, steps may also be utilized. (Access Panel is used in conjunction with the Water Transfer System).

Adjustable Water Depth
Suspense’s Water Transfer System option allows pool water depth to be adjusted efficiently throughout hydrotherapy sessions. Water depth adjustment caters for height variation of patients, wheelchair occupants and of course buoyancy adjustment throughout exercise sessions. Water depth requires lowering when Access Panel is utilized, water depth adjusts from 1300mm to 750mm (50 inches - 28.8 inches) in approximately 3 minutes. Majority of activity in the pool, including treadmill exercise is carried out in a water depth of between 750mm – 1100mm (28.8 inches - 42.3 inches).